Monday, February 16, 2009

Baptism Dates

Well first of all I have to clarify something. This choir was led by Elder Hnatiuk who was just transfered. They were preparing for branch conference to sing. Hnatiuk is a musical genius and one of my good friends here on the mission. So I couldn't let his choir go to waste. So last Sunday I stepped in and helped as I could with my limited skills on the piano- that is what I meant- I was playing the tenor line softly to help them out since we only had 2 in the choir. We have about 5 sopranos and 2 altos. My companion was the only base. It was pretty weak but it still sounded nice and I at least helped them to hold the thing together. So they could perform for branch conference.

Anyways it was nice to see so many people getting trained on Sunday and it made me really excited to especially help this branch get some more priesthood leadership. We only sang one song and that was "Nearer My God to Thee" straight out of the book. It sounded nice compared to how the branch normally sounds... bad. haha they do the best they can though.

We have a car to ourselves and we are living in a two man flat but in the same complex as 4 other missionaries. The saftey in Sharpeville is probably more safe than Tsakane cause we have a car. Plus Sharpville is tiny. Very small. I don't know why Tsakane has bikes when the area is ten times as big. haha

So the area is picking up well. Elder Jasi and I are working hard and teaching a lot of people. Some not so serious but some that are. We've put 4 people on baptism dates just this week! That was awesome. Too bad no future priesthood holders. There's this one girl that the missionaries found a while ago but then went straight on holiday. We contacted her just last week for the first time since she's gotten back. Then on Saturday night we put her on date. It was the fastest I've put someone on baptismal date! Plus she's come to church both Sundays since we've taught her. Then this week I think there are one or two more people we're planning on getting on date! Sweet! On Saturday we're baptizing Disabo, a woman that the other missionaries had been teaching. That will be cool to see her get baptized. We have to go to the chapel in Vereeniging so that we can go to the baptism. Luckily our branch president and his counselor have trucks to transport people. So we just meet them there. Far less stressful than in Tsakane.

Anyways so things are getting better and better. I'm just taking everything one
day at a time. But everything is just flying by. Thanks for all the love and prayers. I love you all!

Love, your elder robinson... or as they say here elder robertson spices

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