Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I basically got over my cold. I still had a runny nose all week but I was over the sore throat and achey body last week. Luckily I didn't have to stay inside because of it. Am I warm enough? Well as warm as I can be. You know how some places just aren't prepared for certain climates...I mean like the way the houses are set up. It's just cold. There's no insulation, the walls are brick, the floor has tiles and all we have are two small portable heaters. Yesterday it got below freezing by morning. But it's not too bad. By the time I leave here it should start warming up. I found out that I'll be staying in Sharpeville for the next 6 weeks at least. Transfers are this week and our whole district is the one having one guy leave.

So anyways this week...First of all on Wednesday Elder Kitimbo and I took my guitar proselyting. That was fun. We walked around singing hymns and stuff. It didn't sound too good...you know my voice and my companion doesn't help much. But it was fun. We met some cool people and played for some investigators and recent converts. It was a good day.

So yeah, that was fun.

You'll notice the shacks that go on forever.... you can see that they live in a shack yet they have a dish. The irony.

A picture of the Grace Bible church in Sebokeng. No, that is not a circus. It's a church and it's a very common thing in the townships.

A picture of the Rastafarian "last supper". Please go look up Rastafarian. you will be confused.

A picture of me holding a Christmas tree. I also look very confused. Do you remember the senior couple that worked with us in my last area, the Blooms? Well they are going home this month and gave me their Christmas tree. I wasn't sure what to think. Now I'll have a Christmas tree for Christmas.

Anyway, so the coolest story of the week:
So a few weeks ago we tracted into an old blind guy named Henslop...That's a weird name even for South Africa. He understood English well and was interested. We weren't sure how things were going but everytime we went he kept saying he was praying and he was seeing something different, but wouldn't say much more. Then this last week his son who's been missing for a few weeks turned up dead. It was a horrible situation. We weren't sure how things were going to turn out. On Friday we went to see Henslop. He had about the same expressions, not much was different. But then we taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ and when we got to baptism I asked him if he had a testimony. He proceeded to tell us his story how he's been trying to find the truth for a while. How he was raised in a church and wasted a lot of money on it only to realize it was false. He said he's had many people come to him from different churches but none felt like the truth. Then we came and he said something was different. He said he's been praying and he has felt a change come over his whole house since we've been there. He knows that Joseph Smith was a prophet and he said he is ready with his whole body and soul to join this church. He had never even visited the church but he had felt the spirit. So we put him on baptismal date and we got him to church on Sunday. He was so excited to come to church on Sunday. It was amazing. It is a lot like our experience with Prince. Except this guy is completely blind instead of just partly! We then saw Henslop again Sunday night and he was so happy. We've taught his wife once before but he said he's going to come to church every week from now on and he's going to do everything to get his wife there. I really hope that his wife will also gain a testimony and we can get them both baptized on the 27th of June when Henslop is scheduled.

This week we have one baptism on satuday the 6th of June. Lindiwe is getting baptized. She is the cousin of a member family and has been investigating for about years! She said she just never really took it seriously, you know trying to find the truth and all. But now that she has she is our most golden investigator. She is very excited to be baptized. It's gonna be good.

So yes, things are going very well. I'm having a blast and learning so much about the Book of Mormon again! It is so amazing how everytime you read that book you learn something new. Thanks so much for your support and your testimony. It strengthens mine. Much love and prayers.

Love, elder robinson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jacob! I miss you. I hope you got my leter, I sent it way back in April but I know mail isn't very stable and takes forever but hopefully you'll get it. If not...well, whatevs. It sounds like you're having tons of fun and growing up lot. Mormons....yes.
