Sunday, August 23, 2009


So my South African mom just loves the missionaries. She feeds us all the time and we paint for her and its a win, win relationship haha.

Mamelodi is a branch but it's on the brink of becoming a ward. I haven't had any more baptisms. I may have told about Flora. Sis Esther's daughter, Beauty, referred us to Flora one day (she is Beauty's cousin). When we first taught her she was a little skeptical. But the whole time we just taught her what the spirit led us to teach and it was amazing. She was really touched. Beatuy couldn't believe us. The first Sunday Flora didn't come. Then during the week she called and rescheduled her appointment. Now we were starting to doubt. Then on Thursday we weren't sure if we should ride all the way to see her if she wasn't going to be there... but we said we would anyways...when we showed up she was waiting for us. We taught her the Restoration and put her on baptism date for September 13th. She was so happy and so were we. It really was an amazing expereince. Then on Sunday she showed up to church with 4 children! (not sure how many are hers). She took care of all of them (even her crazy litle boy who was crying to go home the whole time) and she still loved church. It was pretty sweet.

We also had mission tours this week with Elder Bricknell. He gave a great talk that really meant a lot to me. He's not actually in the 70 I found out. But he has been a mission president before in Poccatello, ID. It was sweet.

Today we went to an elephant sanctuary. It was nice. We played with elephants, brushed them, walked with them, and even got kissed by them.

I'm a little late now. Got to go. Thanks for the love and prayers as always.

Love, elder robinson

ps. I became a district leader when I came to Pretoria. I guess I just didn't think it to be a big deal. My companion is not a DL...I'm over my companion, the other two guys in the flat and our zone leaders. So there are 6 of us in the district and 3 areas.


Dartla said...

I just thought I tell you what happen to me. I wanted to see photos of where my son is in South Africa so i Google LDS missionaries in south Africa, photo's. and wow I got this blog.. I was reading the end of July's, when all of a sudden I saw "my new companion is Elder Bakker from Idaho falls." That is my son. I was shocked. and this Blog is amazing. Craig never tells me details like this. and I haven't gotten any pictures and now i find out that this lady they know says they can send pictures on her computer. i think i will have a little talk with my son. but, I truly am grateful for your blog!!!!!!!!! I cried when I saw my son picture today. Thank you for this blog. My name is Darla Bakker and my e-mail is what a great son you have. I am so proud of mine too.

Amy said...

AAAAHHHH I LOVE these pictures!!!! Oh elephants. What an amazing opportunity!!!!
I love reading about your experiences! :)