Tuesday, August 4, 2009

More Teaching

Making the famous Robinson Navajo

So as for Mamelodi (the area I am serving in). I'm pretty sure this area is going to be my favorite area. Sister Esther wanted me to tell you not to worry about me. She's taking care of me...She's my South African mother :) Yesterday in fact we had a lunch after church at someone's house and they stuffed us full. Then we were checking on this kid, Thabong, and they were having a braii (bbq). We didn't want to intrude but they wouldn't let us leave! So they gave us some meat. Then we went to Sister Esther's for dinner and she had a huge meal prepared! It was the best torture I've ever been through! But yeah, they're family are all members now (except for the father) but they definitely need some strengthening....big time. Especially Sister Esther who has been a member less than 3 months.

This week...It was pretty sweet as usual. My companion and I have a lot of ideas for our area and were working hard on putting them into action. My companion came here 6 weeks before me. So we're both pretty new to the area. And I think I know the area better than him now! almost... haha.

On Tuesday we were tracting and we ran into this guy named Joel. He seemed like a good guy and was interested. So we came back on Thursday and shared the Restoration. Then they went back on Saturday (I was on exchanges in Pretoria) and they put them on baptismal date! He showed up to church on Sunday and he's lookin good! So that was sweet.

When I went to Pretoria on Saturday I had my 2nd experience so far tracting in town...which is like the tracting that most missionaries think of..."i have my own church", "don't you have something better to do?", "im not interested"... but then we saw a sign on a house saying that they were selling puppies...So we asked to see the puppies. Then they invited us inside and we were in! We taught the Restoration and they were loving it. Then when we left they said "you guys are clever aren't you"... haha they knew exactly what we were up to. But he told us that he probably wouldn't have let us inside so it was a good thing we looked at the puppies. Who knows, maybe they'll get baptized!

Some bad news...Our chapel got broken into on Friday night. They came in through the back way which is not so secure and they broke into the safe and stole the computer. This is the second time this year. It's ridiculous because we have this huge impenetrable vault door but then all you have to do is go through the roof and over the door into the room! So yeah, that wasn't nice. But at least church went on well and our investigators came to church.

This coming week...tomorrow actually, we'll be having another mission tour. This time it's Elder Bricknell, a member of the Seventy. So we'll see how that goes.

Thanks again for the love and everything you send me. Especailly the prayers. I know that there are many more missionaries who do much greater work than I could ever... but still I am blessed. And I know that it's from your prayers and the good works which you do that I am blessed with so much success. So thank you :)

elder robinson


Chas Hathaway said...

Hey, Elder!

I just discovered your blog. Wow, it's awesome! I served in South Africa about 10 years ago. What an AMAZING place! Even more, what AMAZING PEOPLE!

I was just excited to discover this.

I'm sure you'll hear more from me. I loved my mission. I'll be visiting often!

- Chas Hathaway

Helen said...

Jacob! I just came across your blog and I'm so glad you're doing well!! Know that Jackie and I are praying for you boys!