Sunday, August 23, 2009

DF Malan Street

Man...the cabin. I hope you still have that when I get home. I want to go back there before I start school next fall! Wow next fall...time is flying.

So before I go on I must tell you about Helet. She is the lady that owns the post office we are emailing at right now. This lady is probably one of the kindest ladies I've ever met. She's not a member but she gives us so much. I mean we're emailing for free to begin with. Then she gives us food once in a while and I guess before I got here she gave the missionaries R400 in cash and she wouldnt let them decline! I just watched these three little black children walk in and sing songs for her that they'd been practicing and she gave them sweets. It was cute. So I was able to send you pictures this week because she is so kind to say that if we dont use her internet for free she'd be offended.

so yea got you some pictures finally. first of all there's a picture of our recent baptism of Nkele and Elizabeth. Right now we are teaching the man that's in the picture, Lucas.

He is Elizabeth's husband and their son is a recent convert as well. He wants to be baptized but is having trouble with drinking and really gaining a testimony.

My companion, Elder Bakker and I cleaning out the baptismal font:

The pump is broken so it drains to about a foot of water and then we have to scoop it out with buckets and then mop up the rest. This last weekend the other missionaries had a baptism and we had to clean it again. This time we got smart and used the vacuum. Don't worry it didn't break the vacuum but it went much faster.

The food from a braii (bbq) we had a few weeks ago:

Township pictures:

Then as I told you in my last letter, we went to an elephant sanctuary and played with elephants...yes, the elephant did kiss me. I also kissed him (face first) but my photographer missed the photo op. (i was sad) The place we went was right next to Hartebees Poort Dam where we also checked out the dam.

On the way back guess what I saw...yep, DF Malan street! Little did you know your family name is even in South Africa.

This week has been a little different for missionary work. My companion and I have realized that our branch is having trouble coping with more baptisms. So instead of just baptizing like a lot of missionaries we're trying to direct our efforts toward "tying up loose ends" as we call it. Basically in the branch we have a lot of part member families, part-member less-active families, and altogether less active families. So we're going to members house trying to teach their families and going to find out who is less-active and who we can help. So far it's been slow but we did find a really cool less-active family that has a lot of potential. When we first showed up they weren't too happy to see us. But by the end of our lesson they were inviting us back to see them again. We've had some fun experiences finding some interesting people as well. So over all missionary work is really just making me happy right now.

Thanks for your support and everything. Sorry I've been lax on emails and letters. I think were just working so hard I really don't have enough time. Love you lots though.

Love, your elder robinson

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