Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Missionary Days

So for my typical day. Well, we get up at 6:30am and shower/eat/get ready. Then we study until about 10:00am, then we usually head to our area. Then we usually have appointment's all day that mostly fall through so we'll go check on people or just tract. Then we are fed dinner Monday through Thursday at 7pm. Then we head back to the flat after. It's a pretty full day usually. When we're in the area we work hard trying our best to find people and teach. It really isn't that hard. I mean this place is just ready to explode. I mean we are always teaching, the hard part is finding people that are actually interested or getting them to be committed. That is hard.

This week we taught 27 lessons. That's a little above normal. But it is usually around there. Once we get a chapel though, man, we are going to have 20 investigators at church every Sunday. This week we had nine. That's still pretty good. I mean the members were even saying how we are working hard. They notice. That means the previous missionaries were lazy. We've heard how they used to go to a member's house and watch movies. Lazy! But we're working hard. Pretty soon we'll be out of the school into like a portable chapel, and then some missionaries will eventually get to see them move into a chapel. I think it will be a stake center. We'll see though.

Nothing too exciting happended this week. Today we're having a tri-zone p-day. We are playing football and then going to a buffet. It should be fun. I miss you all and I love you.

love, elder robinson

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